Senior Consultant
University of Gothenburg, Institute of Clinical Scinces, Sweden
Dr Thornell is an Endocrine Surgeon at Sahlgrenska University Hospital since 2014 and became Consultant Surgeon in 2019. He defended his thesis ’Laparoscopic Lavage; A Paradigm Shift for the Treatment of Perforated Diverticulitis with Purulent Peritonitis?’ in 2015 and thereafter shifted his research towards the field of endocrine and sarcoma surgery. His clinical experience covers the panorama of endocrine and sarcoma surgery in Sweden which includes thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, neuroendocrine tumours, sarcomas, and rare tumors. Also Dr Thornell has completed rotations within the Transplantation Unit at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, the SMART-team (Sarcoma, Melanom and Rare Tumours) at The Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UK and Ilembula Lutheran Hospital, Ilembula, Kenya.