Scientific Director
Clear Cell Sarcoma Foundation
I am the Scientific Director of Clear Cell Sarcoma Foundation (formerly Sara’s Cure), non- profit foundation to promote research and patient advocacy for clear cell sarcoma (CCS). CCS is an ultra-rare and deadly sarcoma that affects mostly teens and young adults. At Clear Cell Sarcoma Foundation, we have focused on developing a repurposed drug screen for efficacy on CCS cell lines as there is no effective treatment for CCS. We have been forming a network of scientists and physicians to make progress on CCS. We are also developing the first CCS patient registry in conjunction with xCures. Working closely with Rafael Pharmaceuticals and the FDA, we opened the first clinical trial specific to CCS based on in vitro and in vivo studies. We are also supporting the development of a functional genomics platform for rare soft tissue sarcoma with Dr. Jesse Boehm at MIT/Harvard Medical School.I also have 15 years of experience as PI of an academic research laboratory focused on vascular biology at the Medical University of South Carolina.