Research & Engagement Officer
Bone Cancer Research Trust, United Kingdom
Kathleen Kane is a Research & Engagement Officer at the Bone Cancer Research Trust (BCRT), Leeds, UK, where she supports the charity's research funding and grant management processes, particularly focusing on supporting close involvement and engagement with the primary bone cancer community through BCRT's Patient & Public Involvement Panel (PPIP). Kathleen obtained her medical degree and PhD in psychosocial oncology from the University of Leeds, and her research interests encompass quality of life in advanced cancer and patient reported outcome measures. She applies this experience to support the commitment outlined in BCRT's latest 10 year strategy, which seeks to ensure that more primary bone cancer patients are able to not only survive their diagnosis, but to thrive beyond it. The BCRT therefore have a keen interest in measuring quality of life for patients living with and beyond primary bone cancer, and addressing this through the research they fund, the awareness they raise, and the information and support they provide.