Data Analyst
The Life Raft Group
Jerry Call has served for over sixteen years in the GIST Cancer nonprofit environment at The Life Raft Group.
As one of the founding members of The LRG, Jerry has leveraged his desire for scientific knowledge to create a foundation for data analysis that has been helping GIST patients to both survive and thrive.
In his current role as Data Analyst, Jerry utilizes the sophisticated features of our Patient Registry to review and analyze treatment lines, epidemiological data and trends to provide information that is vital to both patients and researchers alike. Of particular interest is the investigation of survival statistics, and performing analysis that will result in providing solid survival strategies for cancer patients.
Additionally, he serves on the Epidemiology Task Force, facilitating investigations by collaborative researchers. He coordinates efforts with the Real World Evidence Team, formulating hypotheses and developing topics for research studies.
In his former role as Science Coordinator, he was responsible for science and related research and education for The Life Raft Group. His ability to research and review the latest literature and translate it into laymen’s terms for patients and caregivers and staff enhances their body of GIST knowledge by presenting it in newsletter articles, web posts, training and presentations.
He often serves in the role of liaison between researchers, doctors, pharmaceutical companies and patients, including keeping patients and their doctors informed of available clinical trials. His attention to detail and vast knowledge of GIST, treatment lines, clinical trials and the cancer landscape is enhanced by his personal investment in finding a cure.
Jerry worked in the for profit environment before coming to The Life Raft Group, where his planning and analytical skills were honed in the building and manufacturing environments.
He proudly served in the United States Marine Corps.