medical oncology
Vall d´Hebrón University Hospital, Vall d´Hebrón Institute of Oncology, Spain
Macarena González is a medical oncology since 2017. I have developed my clinical and research experience at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital (Barcelona, Spain).
I have developed my experience in clinical research participating as a principal investigator or co-researcher in multiple clinical trials (> 60) at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, focusing on phase II and III studies in sarcomas, genitourinary tumours, tumours brain and primary unknown, as well as in phase I studies.
Since April 2022 I am co-leading the Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) clinic at Vall Hebron Hospital for the care and follow up of patients diagnosed between 15 to 26 years old of solid malignancies (sarcomas, brain tumours and genitourinary tumours).
I am an active member of the following national and international cooperative groups: European Society of medical oncology, Spanish Society of Medical Oncology, SOGUG, Germinal Group, GEIS (Spanish Research Group in Sarcomas) and GEINO ( Spanish Research Group in neuro oncology ).